Help Us Bring Summer EBT to Florida!
We are continuing our efforts to raise awareness and advocate for Summer EBT, a crucial federal program designed to help families buy food for their school-aged children during the summer months. Recently, we created a flyer to share with community members, informing them about this important program and its benefits.
What is Summer EBT?
Summer EBT is a new federal program that provides $120 for each eligible child to help families purchase food during the summer when school meals are not available. Importantly, children who receive Summer EBT benefits can still participate in other summer meal programs. Plus, receiving these benefits will not affect the immigration status of children or families.
Why is this important for Florida?
Unfortunately, Florida is one of 14 states that opted out of receiving this benefit for 2024, meaning our state is turning down $259 million in nutrition assistance that could help nearly 3 million children in need. By opting out, Florida is missing an opportunity to not only support families but also provide a significant boost to our state’s economy, helping local businesses and food systems thrive.
Although Summer Break Spot is available, it only reaches 1 in 5 children in need. Summer EBT would help bridge the summer hunger gap, providing more children and families with the food they need during the school break.
What can you do to help?
We need your voice to make a difference! You can take action in several ways:
Send a letter to DCF urging them to administer Summer EBT for 2025. You can either draft your own letter or use the template we've created.
Feed Florida's Children
Contact your elected officials and ask them to support bringing Summer EBT to Florida. Let them know how important this program is for families and children in our state.
Tell Florida Lawmakers to Approve Summer EBT for 2025!
Stay informed: For more details on the program and to get updates on our advocacy efforts, visit us at Florida Impact. You can also follow us on our social media platforms for the latest news and action alerts.
In-Person Listening Session
If you're in Orange County or nearby, we invite you to attend our upcoming in-person listening session. Stay tuned to our social media pages for more details in the coming weeks.
Together, we can help bring Summer EBT to Florida in 2025, ensuring that no child goes hungry during the summer months!